Monday, October 19, 2009

Just want to give a shout out in the Holy Spirit to Mother Kay and her Arms of Jesus Ministry! She directed me towards the sacraments during a time of great confusion in my coversion process. The Charismatic Movement has really bore good fruits in my life and never was I even seeking the Charismatic groups. The Holy Spirit leads me to the Charismatics every time. Our Bishop approves of the CRM and all the Popes have approved of the Charismatic reveival since Vatican II. I used to bash it, but the fruit is too powerful for me to deny the tree. Come Holy Ghost! Come!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pray your Rosary, wear your Scapular, go to Mass and don't worry....

Bishop Milingo

Looks like the excommunicated Bishop milingo is still with Maria Sung but is still practicing the Catholic Faith, such as celebrating Mass daily. Also sound like he is still in good health. Lets pray for his reconciliation with the Mystical Body of Christ. To read more click on the link below.

Hello my fellow Homosapiens!

I'm just letting the Mystical Body of Christ know that this living stone has finally started up his own Blog and will express himself in it as a part of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Peace in Christ, Daniel Curran